Conductor: Pay by IC card is cheaper than cash. 售票员:用IC卡比现金便宜些。
Pay by credit card is not available at the moment. 目前不能使用信用卡支付。
Can I pay with this credit card? 可以用这张信用卡付帐吗?
Can I pay by credit card or in cash? 我可以用信用卡吗?或者是用现金支付?
We can send it C. O. D. or you can pay by credit card. 我们可以用货到付款的方式寄,你也可以用信用卡付钱。
Mattie: I need to pay another credit card bill. 马提:我必须缴另一张信用卡的帐单。
I am going to pay by credit card. 我打算使用信用卡。
Customer who pay with credit card will be refund though the credit card company. 信用咭付款之客户将经信用咭公司退回款项。
Borrowers who do not pay their credit card debt in full each month have to pay interest on whatever balance remains. 没有能力偿还信用卡债务的持卡人不得不每个月承担全部超支金额的利息。
Post: the bank sends the credit card bill. pay: I pay the credit card bill. reject: something is wrong on the bill, and it isn't approved. 支付:我支付信用卡帐单。邮递:银行邮寄信用卡帐单。拒付:帐单有误,不被核准。
I'd like to pay by credit card if I can. 如果可以的话我想刷卡。
They will have to tell how long and how much it would take to pay off a card if the holder makes only the lowest monthly payment. 如果持卡人只支付最低月度还款,信用卡公司必须告知需要多长时间及(支付)多少金额,才可付清一张信用卡上的欠款。
In America, if you pay by credit card you can earn miles for hospital surgery, income-tax payments and funerals. 在美国,用信用卡支付手术费,所得税以及葬礼都可以得到里程奖励。
For overseas subscribers, please kindly pay by credit card. 3% surcharge will be applied. 海外订户烦请以信用咭付款。订户需缴付3%附加费。
Dreaming for better camera body? Lusting for better lens? But, not enough pocket money? Or no money to pay your Credi Card? Come and join us! 梦想更好的相机?渴望梦幻镜头?但,不够钱?又或者没钱还卡债?来加入我们吧!
To pay by credit card, you ask: Can I pay by card, please? 要用信誉卡付帐,你可以问:CanIpaybycard,please?
Online pay, credit card and personal loan make customers enjoy the fast and convenient modern life. 网上支付、信用卡、个人贷款让客户体会现代生活的方便快捷。
In any case, I have to pay for my credit card and buy a new lock tomorrow. 不管怎么样,明天我必须去还信用卡,并买一把新的锁。
If you pay by the credit card, we may need your passport as well. 如果您使用信用卡付款,我们还需要您的护照。
If an Internet Web site charged a fee to allow its customers to pay by credit card, there would be an immense howling noise from the users. 如果互联网上的网址收取费用,让客户以信用卡支付,将有一个巨大的咆哮来自用户。
Do you take credit cards? I'd like to pay by credit card if I can. B你们接受信誉卡吗?如果可以的话我想刷卡。
One reason Dell had to embrace traditional distribution methods for its computers was that so few consumers pay by credit card. 戴尔(Dell)不得不采用传统方式销售电脑的一个原因,就是很少有消费者通过信用卡付款。
I buy grocery locally and pay with credit card. 我在当地的副食店购买杂货副食并用信用卡付款。
You can conveniently pay by credit card, so the whole transaction only takes a couple of minutes. 你可以很方便地用信用卡支付,所以整个交易只需花几分钟。
Are you going to pay by credit card? No, I'll give you cash. 你用签帐卡付款吗?不,我给你现金。
Retailers have to pay for tills and card readers and banks have to put in software to process payments. 零售商不得不花钱购置收银机和读卡器,银行不得不安装软件来处理支付事宜。
I still have a lot of outstanding debt to pay off on this card. 我这张卡上仍然还有许多欠债需要还清。
It uses nontouchingIC card to save data, can automatically distinguish the payment standard of all kinds of vehicles and calculate payment and pay with IC card. 它采用非接触式IC卡存储数据,能够自动判别各类车辆的收费标准、计算应收费额并卡基支付。